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The characteristics of acrylic double-sided adhesive


A lot of people in the choice of double-sided adhesive, will pay attention to double-sided adhesive material, in these let you listen to the head of the big material name, acrylic double-sided adhesive is undoubtedly often heard, acrylic double-sided adhesive is also widely seen, then, what is acrylic double-sided adhesive? What are the characteristics of acrylic double-sided adhesive? The following double-sided adhesive manufacturers will explain to you in detail:

Acrylic, also known as PMMA or acrylic, from English acrylic (acrylic). Chemical name is polymethyl methacrylate, it is a kind of development early important plasticity polymer materials, the main characteristics of acrylic double-sided adhesive has good transparency, chemical stability and weather resistance, easy dyeing, easy processing, nice appearance, so is the favour of the new material industry, and reputation in the field of double-sided adhesive. Because acrylic double-sided adhesive has crystal transparency, transmittance in more than 92%, soft light, clear vision, with dye dyed acrylic and has a good color effect, can be compared with the transmittance of glass, but only half of the density of glass. In addition, it is not as fragile as glass, even if damaged, it will not form sharp fragments like glass, so acrylic double-sided adhesive is the ideal material for electronic products double-sided adhesive.

In terms of processing, the characteristics of acrylic double-sided adhesive are shown completely, acrylic has better weather resistance, higher surface hardness and surface gloss, and better high temperature performance, both can be used for thermal forming, but also can be used by mechanical processing. Acrylic wear resistance and aluminum close, good stability, resistance to corrosion of a variety of chemicals, so it is also very conducive to processing in the process of mixing with other compounds.

For users, acrylic is likely to be flammable but not spontaneous combustion, with a certain degree of safety. But the viscosity of acrylic double-sided glue is very high, and there is residual glue after tearing, and there is no residual glue after tearing silica gel. Put the double-sided adhesive on the surface of the paste, gently point with your finger, quickly adhesive no or less bubbles is silica gel, adhesive is slow and will produce bubbles is acrylic double-sided adhesive. Double-sided adhesive customized manufacturers think that in general, the temperature resistance and stability of acrylic double-sided adhesive is relatively poor, but the anti-static piece or acrylic, silica gel will produce silicon transfer, damaged products, for electronic products, this anti-static is very necessary. Acrylic double-sided adhesive is mainly used for packaging high-gloss products and used as a film switch, this is a cheap and easy to use film.

